Paul Holden
Current president of Cache Anglers — a local chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU). He has diligently worked to improve the Cache Anglers chapter of TU. He brings vitality to the organization with his drive and enthusiasm. Paul also served as the TU National Leadership Council (NLC) representative from Utah from 2012-2016. In that role he attempted to keep the Utah Council and chapters aware of what was going on in TU nationally as well as regionally. In that role Paul served as Chair of the Western Native Trout Workgroup for 2 years and has continued to urge chapter leaders to attend regional and national TU meetings as a way to become more aware of what TU has to offer chapters.
Paul helped bring a number of emerging ideas and projects to Utah TU and Cache Anglers. He started the first Utah TU kids fly fishing camps in Logan in 2013. He also has organized the Cache Angler involvement in the Wasatch Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo the past several year. He has become the “trips” coordinator and primary seller of trips for the Expo, using his experience in fresh and salt water to put together slide shows and videos on trips being offered for sale in the live auction, as well as on the Expo floor.
Paul is a fishing and conservation enthusiast. Take a look at the attached picture and you can see it in his face. He will fish with focus and determination. He is direct and to the point. No matter which fishing buddy you ask, you will hear about the same: “Have you fished with Paul? He’s a great fisherman but he’s very competitive.” I’m not exactly sure what that means but I’ll tell you this: He will take a newbie and teach him to cast, tie, row and love the sport. He’ll take a lifelong fisherman to the next level. It’s a gift that many don’t have.
Dr. Holden founded BIO-WEST in 1976. He was a principal and senior fisheries biologist. With more than 30 years of experience in fisheries, he has particular expertise with flow-related issues and how they affect fish species. Dr. Holden conducted numerous aquatic studies on warm- and cold-water habitats and is familiar with most types of aquatic habitats found in the United States. He managed and directed interdisciplinary National Environmental Policy Act teams and served as project manager or principal-in- charge for several major Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Assessment projects. Dr. Holden has a Ph.D. in wildlife biology from Utah State University, an M.S. in fishery biology from Utah State University, and a B.S. in conservation and biology from Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point.
Awards & Qualifications
Lifetime Achievement Award recipient (given by the American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter)
Member, winning team, Utah Single Fly Event, 2012 and 2013
Winner, most fish award, Utah Single Fly Event, 2013
Winner, largest fish award, Utah Single Fly Event, 2012
Bob Trowbridge Award recipient at the 2015 Wasatch Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo