Utah Council of Trout Unlimited Officers and Chairpersons

Position NameUtah Chapter
PresidentScott AntonettiStonefly Society
VP - OperationsJason DyerStonefly Society
VP - ConservationBrian AndersonStonefly Society
TreasurerBill QuappHigh Country Fly Fishers
SecretaryDavid LetaStonefly Society
Women's ProgramsRebeca GranilloHigh Country Fly Fishers
Youth EducationAJ Garcia
Youth EducationWyatt Hartman
Fund RaisingBill ChristiansenStonefly Society
MembershipLarry FinchHigh Country Fly Fishers
WebmasterJohn AtwoodHigh Country Fly Fishers
Trout in the ClassroomDavid LetaStonefly Society
NLC RepresentativeEric LunaHigh Country Fly Fishers

In addition to the above officers and chairpersons, each chapter has one representative. That is typically the chapter president.

For a copy of the Council Bylaws, click here.