Bob Trowbridge
Bob was born in 1936 on a farm near Idaho Falls, and, although his father fly fished some, he didn’t pick up the sport until after he was married and in his 20’s. From that somewhat of a late start until the present, Bob and his wife, Gail, have been an integral part of the fly fishing community in Utah and the Western United States.
In the 1970s, Bob became involved with the Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF) and initially started going to meetings of the Stonefly Society in Salt Lake City. Recognizing the need for a chapter in the Logan area, Bob spearheaded the formation of Cache Anglers. He served as the first President of the new chapter, and later as President and other offices. During this time Bob became more and more involved in FFF. He was involved in organizing and putting on a number of national conventions. He chaired the various workshops and programs for several years. He became a great fly tyer and was invited to teach and tie at many events in the West. He and Gail became good friends with many of the high profile fly fishing community during that time. They have many great memories of these early days of organized fly fishing. One of those highlights was when Bob participated in a TV program on the San Juan River on strategies for sight fishing to large trout. Bob won several awards from FFF.
In 2007, the Stonefly Society and Cache Anglers, now TU chapters, initiated the Wasatch Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo as a way to get Utah fly fishers together and as a fundraising event for the chapters. The Expo developed the Bob Trowbridge Award as the major award of the event, given to a person in recognition of their contributions to fly fishing and efforts to preserve, restore and protect the waters of Utah. This recognition was a reflection of the high esteem that Bob Trowbridge was held by his peers, as well as the younger people that now were involved in these chapters.
With all of his fly fishing activities, Bob continued to be a family man and worked for a number of years as a photographer for the Herald Journal in Logan, and then became an Emergency Services dispatcher for Cache County.
Bob Trowbridge deserves to be part of any Utah Fly Fishing Hall of Fame due to his tireless work to organize and participate in the development of Cache Anglers, as well as many other TU chapters in the West.